
Structural, Architectural, and Civil Engineering Consulting Services

Petrochemical Industry
Housing Industry
Using Alternative Forms of Energy

Projects:  Loading Racks
New Tank Construction including foundations (reinforced and unreinforced), ringwalls, leak detection, and corrosion protection
Warehouses, Electrical Buildings, Bridges, Pipe Supports and any other structure needed to run a storage tank facility.
Houses, both new construction, additions, etc.
Barge Dock Construction

Corrosion Protection Services and Manufacture

Cathodic Protection Systems
Manufactured to tank specification
Easy-to-Assemble on-site
Shipped to the job site
Impressed Current or Sacrificial Current

Evaluation of Existing Cathodic Protection Systems by Industry Expert

Aboveground Storage Tank Services

MFE Inspection
Helium Testing and Evaluation
Seismic Evaluation
Shell Distortions
Repair and Modification Specifications and Review
New Tank and Pressure Vessel Design
PA DEP Aboveground Storage Tank Inspections
API 653 Aboveground Storage Tank Inspections
Fit-for-service Evaluations
Risk Based Evaluations

Rigorous Stress Analysis

Specially designed method of analysis that can be used in lieu of API standard procedure.

Soils Testing and Geotechnical Engineering

Grain Analysis and Soil Classification
Subsurface Design
Report preparation
Foundation Design

Statistical Analysis
Specially formulated evaluation procedure to estimate tank bottom corrosion based on discrete data taken on the bottom when a full scan is inconclusive or unable to be performed.

Emergency and Secondary Containment Systems

Dikes and Retaining Walls
Facility Wide Liner Systems
Separate Old Contamination
Contain New Contamination
Liner Testing Systems (Helium based)
Federal and State Spill Response Plans

Sustainable Building Solutions

Solar Power
Wind Power
Geothermal Power
Water Power
We keep up-to-date on the changes for environmentally friendly construction.